So ..getting excited for the High School Retreat this weekend with some vey special students from Ridgecdrest Baptist Church. We are studying what the Bible has to say about Envy...Yes, the old green-eyed monster.
Why do we always want what someone else has? Why is what we have never enough? Could it be we are consumed with ourselves? I think so!! We had a discussion this past Sunday about prayer and I asked my Sunday School girls to think about the first five things they pray about when they begin a prayer...9 times ou of 10..they prayer request has "I" or "ME" in it.....
We need to put our focus on God first and then focus on praises and intercession for others in need before even mentioning ourselves.
Cannot wait to see what God reveals this weekend .....thankful that God put me back in the position to love on and encourage the youth at RBC.
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